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How to Complete Your MMHC Application in Just a Few Days: A Step-by-Step Guide

Jun 13, 2024
Don't let the application process overwhelm you—follow these strategies to submit a polished and complete application with confidence

By Arial Starks

Completing a Master of Management in Health Care (MMHC) application in a few days is ambitious but feasible if you break down the process into manageable steps and stay organized. We spoke with Burch Wood, Director of Health Care Programs at Vanderbilt Business who shares his expertise to help applicants navigate and complete the application efficiently.

Understanding the MMHC Application Components

Pictured: Headshot of Burch Wood, Director of Health Care Programs at Vanderbilt Business

Burch Wood

The MMHC application consists of several key components. At Vanderbilt Business, applicants will need to complete the online application form, provide a resume/CV, transcripts, 2 letters of recommendation, and submit an essay to be considered for admission. 

MMHC Application Form

This form captures your personal details, educational background, and other relevant information. It’s straightforward but requires attention to detail.


An updated resume that highlights your professional experience, particularly in healthcare management, is crucial. It provides a snapshot of your career and achievements. Wood suggests that applicants keep an updated resume on hand, so that when the time comes to begin the application process, they will have one less document to worry about. 


All applicants will have to submit copies of their undergraduate (and any graduate) transcripts as part of the application process. While official transcripts will be needed upon enrollment, for the application, copies are sufficient.


Two letters of recommendation are an essential component of the MMHC application process. One should be from your direct supervisor, and the other can be from someone within your professional network who can attest to your qualifications and fit for the program. Since this part of the application process can take time, Wood recommends giving your recommenders a heads up on needing a letter as soon as you decide to apply to the program. 


The essay is one of the most time consuming, but important parts of the application process. It is a personal statement that outlines your career goals, why you’re pursuing an MMHC, and how the program aligns with your professional aspirations. Wood says from an admission standpoint, this item is one of the most crucial parts of the application. 

“Be straightforward on the essay,” he says. “It really is a component of the application where we are looking for an applicant’s overall fit for the program. We want this to be a program that works for you, so we need to know what you are looking to get out of the MMHC, so we can tell you whether or not we are able to provide what you are looking for out of a program.”

Completing the application in a few daysPictured: MMHC candidate wears white coat in class

Day 1: Gather and Organize Information

While the MMHC application may seem like yet another task for working professionals, with organized planning, it can be done fairly quickly. The first items candidates can start with are the parts that take the least amount of time: filling out the application form, updating your resume, transcript requests, and contacting recommenders. 

  • Start with the Application Form: Begin by filling out the online application form. Gather all the necessary details, ensuring accuracy and completeness. This step, according to Wood, should take around 30 minutes to an hour.
  • Update Your Resume: Ensure your resume is current, emphasizing your healthcare experience and leadership roles. Highlight any significant achievements and responsibilities.
  • Request Transcripts: Request copies of your transcripts from your previous educational institutions- undergraduate and graduate. Many universities can send electronic versions, which can expedite the process.
  • Contact Recommenders: Reach out to your recommenders immediately. Inform them that you are applying to the MMHC program and provide them with details about what the recommendation should cover. Wood recommends giving them a deadline to ensure timely submission.

Day 2: Drafting the Essay

The essay portion of the application may seem daunting, but Wood ensures it is truly just a way for him and the admissions team to learn more about each applicant’s career journey and professional story. 

“Focus on your career goals, why you’re pursuing the MMHC, and how it aligns with your aspirations,” he says. “Be clear and concise, emphasizing how the program will help you achieve your objectives.” 

Wood emphasizes that the essay is a fit test, so make sure it reflects your professional goals and how the MMHC can facilitate them.

Day 3: Finalize Supporting Documents and submit the MMHC application

After all required components of the application have been completed and/or requested from stakeholders, applicants should spend a little time checking over all items and then finally hitting submit on the application. A few final items to check on include following up with recommenders to ensure they are on track to submit your letters of recommendations, verifying that transcript requests have been completed, and doing a last review of the application form to make sure all sections are complete and accurate. 

Once everything is in order, submit your application. It’s advisable to submit a day or 2 before the deadline to avoid any last-minute issues.

By following this structured approach, you can efficiently complete your MMHC application in a few days, ensuring that all components are polished and submitted on time. Remember, as Wood advises, don’t overthink it – focus on gathering your materials, writing a thoughtful essay, and submitting your application confidently.

“During the rolling application period, I check for new applications almost daily,” Woods says. “I will reach out to qualified candidates to schedule an interview almost as soon as I receive a complete application.”

If you are interested in furthering your education and applying to the Vanderbilt MMHC program, it is not too late to apply. Applications are still being accepted on a rolling basis through July 31.

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