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TriStar Centennial names new COO

Apr 30, 2014
Former Sarah Cannon exec to lead hospital operations

By Nathaniel Luce

Brian Marger has been appointed COO of TriStar Centennial Medical Center. TriStar Centennial Medical Center announced today it has named Brian Marger chief operating officer of HCA Holdings’ flagship hospital.

Marger was previously the vice president of operations at HCA’s Sarah Cannon Research Institute subsidiary. Before that, he was COO of Osceola Regional Medical Center in Florida. He joined HCA from Ernst & Young Consulting’s health care division in 2003 as the assistant vice president of the company’s strategic resource group.

“Brian brings proven leadership experience and an ability to improve efficiencies through the development of highly effective teams,” Heather Rohan, Centennial’s president and CEO, said in a release. “This, coupled with a deep understanding of hospital operations, physician management and service line development, will make Brian an integral part of leading TriStar Centennial’s continued growth and success.”

Marger has a Bachelor of Arts in political science from Duke University and a Master of business administration with an emphasis in finance and health care from the Owen Graduate School of Management at Vanderbilt University. He is a fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives.

The appointment of Marger is the third executive move this year by Rohan. Before now, she has tapped Cyndi Stroburg to be Centennial’s chief nursing officer and brought in Andrea Gwyn from HCA’s corporate operations to be associate COO.

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