Sina Moghadas Khorasani

Sina Moghadas Khorasani

Assistant Professor of Operations Management

Research Interests/Areas of Expertise

Innovation Management, Information Design, Supply Chain Management, and Business Analytics

Subject Areas

Operations Management & Quantitative Methods



Professor Khorasani's research addresses two major trends shaping innovation and procurement operations: the adoption of open innovation and the integration of AI and business analytics. Within this context, he has been exploring various avenues, including the role of information and competition in resource-constrained and time-sensitive environments, to innovate innovation and procurement operations. Prof. Khorasani's research has been published in top economics and operations journals, including The Review of Economic Studies, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, and Operations Research. Professor Khorasani teaches business project management and predictive analytics in the MBA program at Owen.

Awards & Accomplishments

Professor Khorasani received the Doctoral Student Teaching Excellence Award for the Operations Management and Information Systems Department, as well as for the David Eccles School of Business in 2018.

His publication, “Screening in Multistage Contests,” in Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, was recently featured as an INFORMS TIMES paper of the month.

Research Interests

Professor Khorasani's research program is centered on finding and characterizing innovative, actionable, and impactful solutions to improve innovation and procurement operations, especially in competitive environments and under time and budget pressures.


Ph.D., Operations Management, University of Utah, 2019

M.Eng., Engineering Management, University Putra Malaysia, 2013

B.Sc., Civil Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, 2011