Steven S. Posavac

Steven S. Posavac

E. Bronson Ingram Chair, Professor of Marketing
Faculty Director, Master of Marketing

Research Interests/Areas of Expertise

Consumer and managerial decision making, advertising and persuasion, marketing and society

Subject Areas



Steve Posavac leverages his interests at the intersection of psychology and marketing to understand how to improve managerial decision making and organizational performance, as well as to enhance consumer welfare.

Awards & Accomplishments

Professor Posavac has won multiple awards during his career, most recently the Dean’s Teaching Award and the Research Productivity Award at Owen, and was recognized as a Distinguished Faculty Member by Vanderbilt Athletics. He additionally received awards for teaching and research at the Simon Graduate School of Business at the University of Rochester, as well as the University of Utah.


Professor Posavac has served in numerous leaderships roles in his career. He is the founder and Faculty Director of the MMark program. He served two terms as an Area Editor for the Journal of Consumer Psychology, and is the Editor of the Owen School’s SSRN Research Paper Series. He either serves or has served on the editorial review boards of the Journal of Consumer Psychology, the Journal of Consumer Research, the Journal of Retailing, Marketing Letters, the Journal of Economic Psychology, and Psychology & Marketing. Posavac was a co-chair of the Society for Consumer Psychology conference, and chaired the Advertising and Consumer Psychology conference. He is a past President of the Society for Consumer Psychology, and former Associate Dean for MBA Programs at the University of Rochester.


Professor Posavac teaches Brand Management and Selling Strategy to MBA and MMark students, and additionally teaches Marketing Ethics and supervises the immersive Directed Study sequence in the MMark program.

Research Interests

Professor Posavac’s research focuses on consumer and managerial judgment and decision processes, advertising and persuasion, and issues of marketing and society. Current projects explore investing decision making, individual differences related to persuasion and choice, and the role of marketing in the well-being of female consumers.


Ph.D., Utah, 1998

M.S., Utah, 1995

B.A., Knox, 1992


615 322-0456



Select Publications


Gender, risk tolerance, and false consensus in asset allocation recommendations

 Bollen, N.P., and S. Posovac (2018). Gender, risk tolerance, and false consensus in asset allocation recommendations. Journal of Banking and Finance 87, 304-317.