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Ask Skippy: What’s my greatest weakness?

Feb 18, 2016
Everyone has career questions, but few people have answers. Welcome to Ask Skippy, where Skip Culbertson, Executive Director of the Vanderbilt Executive Development Institute, answers your most burning career questions.

By Nathaniel Luce

This week, advice on a common interview question.

Dear, Skippy: How should I answer the interview question about my greatest weakness?

You will likely be asked that question during your job interview. It does not really matter what you answer so long as you indicate that you are doing something to improve your skills in that area. For example, you have great anxiety about public speaking gigs, so you enrolled in Toastmaster’s to conquer your fears. Or, you are not as good as you wish in leadership, so you are working through a 360 process with your team. Or, you are weak with Excel so you are taking an online spreadsheet class. Got it? It’s about the proactive self-development and self-awareness. That is the key to answering this question.

–Sincerely, Skippy

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