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Why Owen for Strategy Managers? Meet Bruno Evangelista.

Jul 16, 2016

By Amy Murphy

EMBA, Global Immersion, Executive MBA, AMBAName: Bruno Evangelista

Program: Executive MBA, Global Immersion

Graduation Year: 2015

Company: Nissan Motor Company

Title: Global Product Lifecycle Manager


Bruno Evangelista is a 2015 alumnus of the Executive MBA, Global Immersion Track program. An engineer by trade, Bruno has been a manager responsible for sales, marketing and product development at several high profile multinational organizations. He decided to pursue the global immersion track alongside his wife and best friend. The benefits are clear – he was promoted twice directly after graduation and continues to grow in his global career, currently living and working in Japan.

What convinced you that you could or should do the Vanderbilt EMBA Global Immersion track?
I work for a company that heavily believes in the Vanderbilt MBA. Many colleagues and leaders of the organizations I directly work in went through the program. The majority chose the Global Immersion Track. As I sat in conversations and worked in projects with them, I saw the impact of the MBA first hand. The level of business understanding was clear, the respect they received for their educated opinions was also flagrant, and most of all, the support and feedback they provided was very encouraging. This created a vision for me which I saw I could achieve. Now that I have graduated, I can assure that even though the vision was clear, the rewards were more than I imagined.

An equally important factor was the partnership and support of my wife Silvia and my best friend Enderson, who both also decided to do the program. We saw the program as a journey we would never forget and that would be enriching in many ways to our relationships while achieving professional goals.

What advice would you give to someone considering Vanderbilt’s Global Immersion track?

Focus on your classmates! You will need them! You will need them a lot! But, the main benefit is that they are people you will not only have to work with, and spend weekends with, and eventually travel with, but they will be your friends, and part of your professional network. The greatest benefit of the Global Immersion Track is that you will double your network because you will have two classes of great professionals.

How has your career been enhanced as a result of your Vanderbilt Executive MBA experience?

The level of respect that the program carried to my work has been incredible. I was promoted twice since graduating, and placed on succession plans for high positions within the organization. Same thing has happened to my wife. I cannot express how dramatic these changes were and how clear it was that it was due to the MBA.

Want to learn more about the Executive MBA program? Visit our program page, or request information.

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