Guest Speakers for Curricular and Co-Curricular Activities

(Last Updated January 2021)

If you wish to have a guest speaker for in-person experiences, the Office of the Dean must approve the guest, per Vanderbilt policy.  To seek approval, please write the Office of the Dean at least a week in advance.  Include the following in your email:

  1. Name of the guest
  2. Email of guest
  3. Purpose of the visit, including class number and class name, if applicable.
  4. Date and time of the visit

You will receive an approval or additional questions in less than one business day.

Once approved, the host will:

  1. Send the Visitor Acknowledgement Information to the guest speaker. The guest must send a statement accepting Vanderbilt’s Policies to the Office of the Dean with a copy to the host at least three business days before the day of the visit or the visit will be canceled.
  2. The host is responsible for the guest speaker and must stay with them while they are on campus.
  3. Guests must follow Vanderbilt COVID policies.

Direct Questions to Lindsay Donald.