By Arial Starks

Anna Kovach
Vanderbilt Business is known across the globe for its high caliber of students, faculty, and staff. In this edition of People of Vanderbilt, we spotlight MBA student Anna Kovach, who shares a little about herself.
What’s your secret talent?
I bake some pretty yummy chocolate chip cookies and know a pretty large amount of vocal jazz standards.
Who or what empowers you at Vanderbilt?
My classmates empower me at Owen. Whether it’s my closest friends or someone I worked on a project with in one class, everyone has each other’s back. I can go to anyone with a question, concern, or idea, and know that I will find someone who will listen & engage with me even if they don’t agree.
What are 1 or 2 experiences that have really shaped your time here at Vanderbilt?
I’d say my time with the Jewish Business Association (JBA) has really shaped my time at Owen. Our board did an amazing job at building community and sharing our traditions this year, and I’m so proud of all that we accomplished!
What’s your favorite way to connect with the Vanderbilt community?
I love connecting with the Owen community at Closing Bell. It might be cliche, but to have a space to talk about things outside of school, share a laugh, and relax is what business school is all about.
What’s something you’ve learned about yourself during your time at Vanderbilt?
I’ve learned that I have the strength within myself to get through whatever comes my way, be it school, personal, or professional. And that I am actually not as bad at Financial Accounting as I thought I was! :).
Are you in a leadership role associated with Vanderbilt? If so, name the organization and title.
JBA – President, HOPA – President, WBA – Executive VP, OBSA – VP of Events