By Arial Starks

Hannah Thomas
Vanderbilt Business is known across the globe for its high caliber of students, faculty, and staff. In this edition of People of Vanderbilt, we spotlight MS Finance student, Hannah Thomas, who shares a little about herself.
What’s your secret talent?
I can lick my right elbow.
Who or what empowers you at Vanderbilt?
My classmates. It’s easy for the work level and expectations of Owen to get overwhelming very quickly, but the community is so supportive and there is such a heavy emphasis on constant collaboration – it is nearly impossible to ever truly feel like you’re on your own. Where I am weak, others are strong and vice versa, and we’re encouraged to take advantage of our strengths and find classmates who can help to improve on our weaknesses at every turn.
What are 1 or 2 experiences that have really shaped your time here at Vanderbilt?
Mod 0 for the MS Finance class – it is such a hectic and seemingly impossible week. You’re exhausted, and are really thrown to the wolves with Fin Econ 1 in such a short span of time. However, this is also where you really begin to forge connections with classmates that will help all of you make it to the end of Mod 4. I met some of my closest friends in the program during this week, and it’s such a euphoric feeling to overcome that massive first hurdle together. There is nothing like it!
What’s your favorite way to connect with the Vanderbilt community?
My favorite way to connect with the Owen community is to spend time in the library between classes. It’s a place where you’re almost guaranteed to catch classmates working on projects and it’s also just such a cool space to study while surrounded by your peers.
What’s something you’ve learned about yourself during your time at Vanderbilt?
I’ve definitely learned that I can handle way more than what I would have initially thought. Coming into the program I was nervous because my undergrad wasn’t in finance, but if the past 2 mods have taught me anything, it’s that I can do whatever I put my mind to, particularly with the strength of the Owen community behind me!
Looking back on your time at Vanderbilt, what is one of your favorite memories, activities, or rituals?
One of my favorite memories was seeing my full MS Finance class together for our class photo at the beginning of Mod 1. I think that was the first time I had ever seen everyone all together in one spot, and there was just such a feeling of comradery knowing that we were all about to navigate the highs and lows of the program together.
Looking forward, what are you most excited about this year?
I’m most excited to continue growing alongside my classmates and ultimately see where we all end up by the time May comes around – there are SO many brilliant and talented individuals in our class, and I can’t wait to see what kind of offers we all receive!
Are you in a leadership role in association with Vanderbilt? If so, name the organization and title.
I’m a member of the Owen Honor Council.