By Arial Starks

Will Hodge
Vanderbilt Business is known across the globe for its high caliber of students, faculty, and staff. In this edition of People of Vanderbilt, we spotlight MBA student Will Hodge, who shares a little about himself.
What’s your secret talent?
I am a voracious reader. My current record is 50 books read in an 8-month period.
Who or what empowers you at Vanderbilt?
My classmates. I have learned so much from my peers as we share our personal stories and grow together in this program. Each of us came from a unique background, and we each bring something valuable to shared experiences.
What are 1 or 2 experiences that have really shaped your time here at Vanderbilt?
My most important experience came before classes began. I was already in Nashville and began to connect with classmates. Almost immediately, I began receiving offers to meet up for dinner or to play golf. I was amazed at how enthusiastic everyone was to meet and to share stories. Their clear desire to make connections inspired me to make my own and learn from my future classmates.
What’s your favorite way to connect with the Vanderbilt community?
Closing Bell has been an amazing experience. I have witnessed my share of forced group activities where no one really wants to connect or spend time with peers outside of work. Closing Bell is nothing like that; everyone is clearly excited to catch up or chat, making it my favorite part of the week.
What’s something you’ve learned about yourself during your time at Vanderbilt?
I have learned a lot about adapting to a new group. I came from the Army, and while I did not necessarily have the same background as my peers there, we all had shared experiences in our profession and common goals. Owen has taught me how to be different from my peers in a way that improves everyone’s experiences and adds value.
Looking back on your time at Vanderbilt, what is one of your favorite memories, activities, or rituals?
I would have to say Closing Bell again. I have made more connections during 90-minute blocks on Thursdays than I have in the rest of my time here.
Looking forward, what are you most excited about this year?
I am excited to continue interviewing with companies to learn about job opportunities.
Are you in a leadership role in association with Vanderbilt? If so, name the organization and title.
I am currently a first-year senator in the Owen Student Government Association (OSGA).