By Arial Starks

Sara Eve Caruthers
Vanderbilt Business is known across the globe for its high caliber of students, faculty, and staff. In this edition of People of Vanderbilt, we spotlight Master of Accountancy (MAcc) student Sara Eve Caruthers, who shares a little about herself.
What is your secret talent?
I am terrible at anything musical or artsy but plop me into the middle of chaos and I reign. I can color-code academic notebooks with polychromatic dividers and stickies, starting with white and ending in red, for the most dreaded and difficult material. I can shuttle clothing items back and forth across a closet until lightweight summer items seem to fall into winter clothing and then spring to the back of the closet. While annoying to many (ask anyone in my family), I absolutely thrive on breaking down projects. Organization is my talent!
Who or what empowers you at Vanderbilt Business?
Powerhouses of industry have graduated from Vanderbilt. Walking behind the graduates of Owen and all they have accomplished is empowering. The entire Owen framework exhibits pride and enthusiasm for continuing the Owen tradition from the building to the professors, students, and support staff. I get to be part of that!
What are 1 or 2 experiences that have really shaped your time here at Vanderbilt?
I love that teaching is a priority at Owen. I graduated from a big public university where professors had multiple sections of large classes and typically offered one to two hours weekly for office hours. Sadly, it wasn’t unusual to have students packed into a professor’s office and only get to ask one question. However, at Owen, most of my professors have been flexible and are willing to set up additional office hours for individual questions. I actually get one-on-one time to ask ALL my questions!
What’s your favorite way to connect with the Vanderbilt community?
I LOVE Closing Bell! I look forward to Thursday evenings and chatting with my fellow classmates as we walk over to Owen to join the entire graduate program. Over food and drink, I get the opportunity to talk to classmates and professors outside of the classroom environment.
What’s something you’ve learned about yourself during your time at Vanderbilt?
I enjoy the challenge of starting from scratch. It seems like I have been “graduating” for most of my life: lower school, middle school, high school, and lastly, my undergraduate degree. It’s challenging to have to begin again and find your place. However, every time I “start over,” I get the chance to remake myself into a better version of myself.
Looking back on your time at Vanderbilt, what is one of your favorite memories, activities, or rituals?
My parents went to an SEC football school, and their alma mater played Vanderbilt in Nashville. On a beautiful fall Saturday, I was able to take them to the Owen football tailgate to meet some of my friends and wave to them from inside the Vandy stadium student section wearing my gold and black!
Are you in a leadership role in association with Vanderbilt? If so, name the organization and title.
I serve as an Owen Student Government Association Senator.