Our Commitment

The leadership, faculty, staff, and students of Owen commit to the following:

  • To cultivate a dynamic community of the brightest minds from all backgrounds and perspectives in an environment that challenges us to embrace lifelong and professional growth;
  • To welcome a wide variety of viewpoints and engage thoughtfully and respectfully, even when doing so is uncomfortable;
  • To value differences while creating a community with the connections and shared purpose that are necessary to tackle the complexities of an ever-changing world; and
  • To work towards removing barriers to fulfilling our commitment.


There are a variety of organizations and initiatives across campus that promote belonging, collaboration and growth for our community members.

Events at Vanderbilt

Vanderbilt offers a variety of events around equity, diversity, and inclusion in on-campus and remote formats.


At Vanderbilt, we are committed to creating a community where everyone can thrive. Because of that, we work with partners that introduce us to a variety of candidates and offer resources for prospective students.

Our affiliations with organizations such as the Forté Foundation, Management Leadership for TomorrowNational Black MBA Association, Prospanica, Admit.me Access, Association of Latino Professionals for America; Military MBA, Service Academy Career Conference, and Reaching Out are just a few of the ways we help ensure every student finds what they need at Vanderbilt.

Admitme Access Logo

What our students say

"Building relationships and interacting with people from so many diverse backgrounds and cultures at Vanderbilt not only enriched my learning experience, it enriched my life. Both in and outside the classroom my thinking was challenged and now I have a broader view of the world."

Todd Johnson, Vanderbilt MBA under-represented minority student, shares about how his Vanderbilt MBA experience enriched his life.Todd Johnson
Chicago, Illinois

"As an international student from Venezuela, I found many opportunities at Vanderbilt to showcase my culture, experiences and leadership style in a very welcoming environment. Vanderbilt fosters a culture of inclusiveness where all ideas are respected."

Gaby Rios Plaza
Caracas, Venezula

"After coming to Owen from the Marines, I immediately felt a sense of belonging similar to the close-knit nature of the military. The team-oriented culture was very familiar, and I was happy to be involved with another high-caliber group of people who respect and value each other’s unique experiences while also looking out for one another."

Trevor Hunt, Vanderbilt MBA and former military in the U.S. Marine Corps, shares about the team-oriented culture at Vanderbilt.Trevor Hunt
United States Marine Corps