By The Numbers
The percent of the Class of 2023 who had received an offer at three months post-graduation.
The number of companies with which we have a recruiting relationship for our MBA students.
The percentage of Vanderbilt MBA students from the Class of 2023 who reported that Vanderbilt resources connected them to their accepted, full-time job offers.
The average starting salary for the MBA Class of 2023.
The number of current or former military service men and women enrolled in our programs at this time.
The number of women we have named as Forté Fellows since Vanderbilt became a partner with the Forté Foundation, an organization that helps launch women into careers in business.
No matter where we find ourselves on a particular ranking in any given year, you will always find Vanderbilt in the top 10 percent of all business schools around the world.
The percentage of Vanderbilt MBA students from the class of 2024 that are married or engaged.
The number of years Project Pyramid consulting projects have been impacting social enterprise throughout the world.
The number of professional, affinity and special interest clubs our students are involved with - and lead.
The number of companies hiring members of the Classes of 2023 and 2024.
The number years in a row, 100% of the employment-seeking first-year MBAs received and accepted an offer for a 10–12 week summer internship.
The average years of work experience for the MBA Class of 2024
The percent of underrepresented MBA students employed after graduation.
The number of countries represented in the MBA Class of 2024
The percent increase in submitted applications from Africa for the full-time MBA program since 2018
The number of approach options MBA students can tailor to create their first-year leadership development experience.
The percentage of MBA classmates you will know by name. Our program is small by design.