By The Numbers

Mstr. Mgmt. in Health Care

The number of months it will take to advance your career and standing within your organization by earning a Master of Management in Health Care degree.

Mstr. Mgmt. in Health Care

The number of MMHC alums that indicated that they would definitely recommend this program to a friend or colleague.

Mstr. Mgmt. in Health Care

The average years of work experience of MMHC students.

Mstr. Mgmt. in Health Care

The percentage of MMHC students that already hold advanced degrees.

Mstr. Mgmt. in Health Care

Almost 30 percent of the most recent MMHC class reported gaining greater management responsibility after 10 months in the program.

Mstr. Mgmt. in Health Care

The number of team members you will have on your MMHC Capstone Strategy Project team.

Mstr. Mgmt. in Health Care

The strategically diverse MMHC cohort is comprised of 1/3 physicians, 1/3 nurses and other clinicians and 1/3 non-clinical administrators.

Mstr. Mgmt. in Health Care

The number of credit-hours needed to earn the prestigious Vanderbilt Master of Management in Health Care degree.

Mstr. Mgmt. in Health Care

The number of deep-dive weekend immersions, hosted by healthcare faculty, policy makers and industry leaders, during the MMHC program.

Mstr. Mgmt. in Health Care

The percentage of MMHC classmates you will know by name in our small-by-design program.

Mstr. Mgmt. in Health Care

On average, the percentage of students that enter the MMHC program as supervisors of two or more people.