MBA Recruiting Guidelines and Policies

The following policies will help you have a more successful recruiting experience. Failure to follow the outlined policies may negatively impact your employment brand on campus, as students often discuss their experience with their peers. If you have any questions about recruiting at Vanderbilt, please contact your Employer Relations & Recruiting team.

Employer Information
The Career Management Center (CMC) provides your complete contact information to students unless specifically requested otherwise. This information is accessible only to our students and job-seeking alumni through our online recruiting system.

Interview Eligibility and Timelines
Only current, full-time, degree-seeking students are eligible to participate in interviews and designated recruiting activities coordinated through the CMC. Eligible second-year EMBA students and Owen alumni may participate in on-campus interviews upon company request. On-campus interviews for the specified audience may NOT be conducted prior to these dates:

Communicating Candidate Status and Hiring Process
Because our program is quite rigorous, every effort should be made to accommodate candidates’ class and interview schedules. The CMC requests that you keep everyone informed—both the CMC and the students—as you move through the hiring process. We can best serve you and the students when we are kept up to date concerning callbacks, offers and acceptances. To satisfy student and employer needs, the CMC has established the following policies for second-round callbacks:

Disclosure of Policy Non-Compliance
We reserve the right to provide information to students that may be pertinent to their employment and recruiting decisions. We will collect and evaluate information so students are informed of past employer relationships with Owen. Our goal is to immediately resolve issues with employers while supporting students in their career development.

Cancellation of Recruiting
The CMC requests that companies who cancel a recruiting schedule communicate that information directly to the students. We will assist in this process but believe that such communication is more appropriate coming from the company in order to maintain that firm’s credibility in the minds of students and alumni.

Withdrawing an Offer/Acceptance
If a firm must withdraw an offer for any reason, the recruiting contact should notify the CMC as soon as possible. The CMC considers withdrawing an offer to be a serious matter that significantly harms a firm’s credibility in the minds of students and alumni. Therefore, we hope to work proactively with employers to prevent a rescinded offer from occurring. Similarly, if a student withdraws acceptance of an offer, notify the CMC so that a thorough assessment of the situation can be made immediately. The Owen Graduate School of Management considers withdrawing an offer, or acceptance by a student without cause, to be unethical behavior.

Delaying Start Dates
The CMC does not condone the practice of delaying start dates once the employer and the student agree upon those dates. If a firm is considering such action for any reason, the recruiting contact should notify the CMC as soon as possible.

In compliance with federal law including the provisions of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Sections 503 and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Vanderbilt University does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, religion, color, national or ethnic origin, age, disability or military service in its administration of educational policies, programs or activities; its admissions policies; scholarship and loan programs; athletic or other University-administered programs; or employment. Inquiries or complaints should be directed to the Opportunity Development Center, Baker Building, Box 1809 Station B, Nashville, Tennessee 37235. Telephone: 615.322.4705 (B/TDD); fax 615.421.6871.

Guidelines for Job Offers
Making an offer to a student represents a significant—and valuable—commitment by the employer and the student, as evidenced by Vanderbilt MBA, MS Finance and Master of Marketing students working for organizations around the world. To balance the needs of students and employers, we have established the following policies for extending offers:

We recognize that some situations may require a faster response. In these instances, please inform the CMC staff of the situation as soon as possible. Any student issue regarding a job offer is handled individually between the CMC staff and the employer.