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Responding to Change

MMHC equips physician to lead amid a rapidly evolving field

Basil Kahwash
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of Allergy, Pulmonary, and Critical Care Medicine, Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Vanderbilt Master of Management in Health Care 2024

Dr. Basil Kahwash has watched the rapid advancements in allergy/immunology—his medical specialty—with keen interest. “The field is undergoing swift changes due to increasing population demands and biotechnological innovations,” the Ohio native says. “I recognized the need for effective leadership to navigate the economic and managerial challenges accompanying this evolution.”

He believed that Vanderbilt’s MMHC program would broaden his understanding of “the business of healthcare” and would enhance his leadership capabilities. “My experience as a physician and educator at Vanderbilt University Medical Center gave me firsthand experience with Vanderbilt’s exceptional academic community,” Dr. Kahwash says. “I was confident that Owen would offer the comprehensive education I needed.”

He wasn’t disappointed. Even before the halfway point in the program, Dr. Kahwash found the Leadership Development Program “transformative.” His leadership coach, he says, “fundamentally changed the way I perceive my relationships with my community and team members and enhanced my ability to interact and collaborate effectively.”

In the classroom, he says, the program’s conceptual framework has helped him “become more adept at identifying opportunities for quality improvement.” He credits the small class sizes, camaraderie, and collaborative culture with facilitating lively discussions and a supportive environment that was particularly helpful during group projects. “The knowledge and skills I’ve acquired have given me a complete set of tools to apply as I advance in my career.”

Dr. Kahwash has already put those tools to work on a project to study his own allergy clinic. “My management team invited me to present my findings to the entire clinic staff,” he recalls. “Seeing my colleagues’ keen interest in the ideas generated through my studies at Owen was a truly rewarding experience. I witnessed the practical application of the MMHC program knowledge in a real-world healthcare setting, making it a standout achievement during my business school journey.”

Fun Fact: Basil, who grew up speaking both English and Arabic, enjoys working out at the gym, playing pickleball, practicing his golf swing, and sitting down for a game of chess. 

Seeing my colleagues’ keen interest in the ideas generated through my studies at Owen was a truly rewarding experience.