Our Stories

Finding Her Path

Vanderbilt gave Okafor flexibility to explore career possibilities

Chi Okafor – MBA
Senior Finance Manager, Procter & Gamble, Cincinnati

Vanderbilt MBA 2024

Ten years after earning her accounting degree in Nigeria, Chi Okafor found herself back in school. “Back home, I’d had a valuable opportunity to work on a project and collaborate closely with the leadership team, and that experience solidified my desire to enhance my leadership abilities and develop my management and networking skills,” she says.

After Chi moved to the U.S. with her family and committed to additional schooling, Owen’s Leadership Development Program, small class size, and strong community made the school an attractive choice. “The personal scale at Vanderbilt allowed for more intimate and collaborative learning environments,” she says. “Developing strong relationships with classmates and faculty enriched my learning experience and provided me with a supportive community that extends beyond the classroom—I now have a strong network of contacts I know I can reach out to.”

In Nigeria, Chi worked as a financial analyst and retail sales executive. She initially planned to pivot to a consulting career after earning her MBA, but her coursework and internship ultimately led her to remain in the consumer goods industry. “Vanderbilt allowed me to explore both options and exposed me to a wealth of knowledge and experiences that expanded my understanding of the business world,” she says. “I’ve become more aware of global issues, market trends, and strategies for adding value. My experience was truly transformative.”

Chi found her Vanderbilt coursework rigorous and engaging. She advises incoming students to “step out of your comfort zone and try new things! Take courses that pique your interests, even if they’re outside your focus or previous experience.”

She also found that the Leadership Development Program provided valuable guidance as she navigated business school and made career decisions. “My coaches were exceptional. They helped me overcome challenges, refine my communication skills, recognize my strengths, and address my weaknesses. The LDP boosted my confidence by equipping me with the skills and mindset for continued growth and success,” Chi says.

Vanderbilt’s strong and supportive student and alumni networks similarly proved invaluable. Support from classmates included offers to “babysit my kids when I’ve had scheduling conflicts.” Alumni were equally “generous with their time and expertise, offering guidance and sharing their experiences and connections within their companies,” she says. “That was instrumental in expanding my professional network and exploring career paths.”

Fun Fact: Chi moved to Nashville with her husband and 2 children.

I’ve become more aware of global issues, market trends, and strategies for adding value.