Our Stories

Elisa Maknojia

Vanderbilt Undergraduate Business Minor 2025

Hi! I’m Elisa! I am a Junior majoring in Economics with a Business and Data Science Minor. Starting as an economics major at Vanderbilt, I was initially nervous about missing out on the technical skills my peers in business programs would receive. However, the business minor has effectively bridged this gap, enhancing my interview readiness and industry knowledge. The professors are a standout feature—they’re not just teachers, but mentors who are incredibly generous with their time, sharing stories from their careers that give you real-world context.

My excitement for the business minor increased my involvement in business organizations such as the Financial Development Program (FDP) and Women in Business (WIB). Both these organizations have been instrumental in broadening my professional network and cultivating a supportive and inclusive community. These organizations have also been crucial in supplementing my technical knowledge, particularly in finance, ensuring that I am well-equipped for future career paths.