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Upping His Game

College athletics manager pivots to business consulting

Matt Gordon – MBA
Manager, Simon-Kucher, New York

Vanderbilt MBA 2024

Matthew Gordon loved everything about his job as chief of staff for football at the University of Massachusetts Amherst—except the peripatetic lifestyle a career in college football involves. “I was incredibly lucky to have remained at UMass for 7 years, but that is an anomaly in an industry where most people are with a given institution for 2 years before moving on to their next job,” he says. “That’s not conducive to building meaningful, long-term relationships with those around you or for having a sustained impact.”

Vanderbilt offered Matthew an opportunity to change his career path—and to experience life in a unique city. “I had never left Massachusetts for more than a vacation,” he says. “Nashville has been incredibly welcoming—I loved the live music, the culture, the weather, and the food!”

He also appreciated Vanderbilt’s mod system, which allows students to choose electives and explore a wide range of topics and career paths. “Out of the 33 classes I took, only 11 were required,” Matthew says. “The other 22 were topics I was interested in, and I loved how malleable and personalized my experience was.”

As an Ingram Scholar and a fellow in the Cal Turner Program for Moral Leadership in the Professions, Matthew connected with students across Vanderbilt schools committed to community service. He received an Owen Service Award for his work with 2 MSF students in launching an annual Owen Community Service Day. “We partnered with 7 different organizations around Nashville, [with activities] ranging from volunteering at an animal shelter to reading to elementary school children,” he says. “Students, staff members, and alums all came together to have a positive impact on the community.”

“The best advice I can give incoming students is to try everything you can,” he says. “You have 2 years to try new stuff, so enter a national competition; take a class that seems interesting that’s not in your normal wheelhouse; sign up for golf lessons even though you’ve never played; and when your classmates suggest going out for Indian food, say yes, even though you’ve never had it before.”

In addition to his coursework and classmates, Matthew credits the staff in the Career Management Center with coaching him through the process of landing the right internship. His work as an associate consultant with Simon-Kucher in Boston netted him a full-time management position with the firm after graduation. “The CMC staff helped me grow as a professional and as a person,” he says. “They were essential to my career progression.”

He also credits the Leadership Development Program with helping him translate his managerial experience in college football to business settings. “When I came to Owen, I was a little rough around the edges,” he admits. “Vanderbilt helps you become the best version of yourself.”

Fun Fact: Matthew spent the winter before entering the MBA program traveling across the western U.S., skiing 22 different mountains.

Vanderbilt helps you become the best version of yourself.