Our Stories

Vanessa Asapokhai

Vanderbilt Undergraduate Business Minor 2024

Hi everyone! My name is Vanessa Asapokhai and I am a senior from Atlanta, GA majoring in Human and Organizational Development along with Law, History, and Society. Coming into Vandy as a freshman, I desired to become a part of a community on campus that would help me grow and support me both professionally and personally. The Women’s Network (@thewomensnetwork_vanderbilt) became that for me and being president for the past two years has made a great impact on my college experience. As students it can be difficult learning how to navigate your career path and make the most informed decisions, but through events such as internship/resume workshops, speaker events, and networking sessions, TWN equips female students with the tools needed to be successful in their professional development. Furthermore, I have met some amazing women through TWN who have helped guide me through the ups and downs of college life. Overall, one of the best decisions I made during my time at Vanderbilt was joining TWN and I couldn’t recommend it more to other students!