Baxter Webb

Baxter Webb

Director, Owen Center for Entrepreneurship




Baxter has extensive first-hand experience in healthcare with over 15 years spent in the clinical setting. He is an honors graduate of the UNC School of Public Health and the Vanderbilt Owen Graduate School of Management. Baxter has founded or served in leadership positions for several healthtech startup companies: CP Diagnostics, Proventys, MEDarchon, Heraeus Medical, and Foodsmart. In these roles, he managed the largest study funded by the NIH for pulmonary embolism, gained the first CPT code issued to a commercial entity by the American Medical Association, and led a computerized decision support product through the FDA's 510k de novo process. His company, MEDarchon, was named startup of the year and one of the best places to work in Nashville prior to being acquired by XSOLIS. He holds several patents, has presented research at six different national medical conferences, and has published over a dozen peer reviewed research articles.


BSPH, University of North Carolina School of Public Health, 2004

MBA, Vanderbilt University, 2013