Jean Marie Grumbles

Jean Marie Grumbles

Marketing Operations Manager, Marketing and Communications




Jean Marie came to Vanderbilt in the summer of 2016 almost on a fluke. She came to assist a friend in the Marketing and Communications department who was in need of an Office Manager. She had recently sold a successful business and was in the infancy of another startup when Owen caught her eye. She enjoyed the people at Owen so much she decided to take the unusual turn in her career and in August of 2016 began working in Administrative Support and Special Projects later becoming the Administrative Operations Manager. In May of 2018, Jean Marie returned to the Marketing and Communications department. Jean Marie had been a teacher in her very early career always on the cutting edge of education and then turned her entrepreneurial spirit into several ventures as she left the field of education. As a CEO and trainer, Jean Marie spent many years in the business world before selling her largest company and getting certified in The Model of Human Behavior. Human behavior and communications kept her attention for a few years before she helped her friend here at Vanderbilt. Jean Marie's keen eye for problem solving, processes, and procedures were a perfect fit for Vanderbilt's Owen Graduate School of Management. Jean Marie loves going to movies, playing games with friends and family, and spending time with her husband, Mike, and daughter Kenzie.


M.Ed., Educational Administration & Supervision, Clemson University, 1992

BA, Education, UNC-Wilmington, 1991