By Arial Starks

Lucas Hodge
Vanderbilt Business is known across the globe for its high caliber of students, faculty, and staff. In this edition of People of Vanderbilt, we spotlight MBA student Lucas Hodge, who shares a little about himself.
What is your secret talent?
It has not been on display at Owen, but I was known in undergrad for both dozing off in class and for being able to come awake with a decent answer to whatever question had been thrown my way. Fortunately, most of my classmates haven’t seen that in action—I find that I get a little more sleep here than I did back then.
Who or what empowers you at Vanderbilt?
My wife, Claire, inspires me to be a better person every day. We’ve been married for 4 years and together for 8, and in that time she has never failed to be supportive and to push me to be at my best. She made a lot of sacrifices when I was working and she was in law school and then starting out as an attorney, so I’ve really enjoyed being the one to support her during my time at Owen. In addition to Claire, I find that my classmates empower me every day. I count myself extraordinarily fortunate to be able to learn from such talented people daily and to see them in action.
What are 1 or 2 experiences that have really shaped your time here at Vanderbilt?
I was really fortunate to get a part-time internship with Vanderbilt’s Government and Community Relations Office this school year. The opportunity to work with that office gave me a chance to see Vanderbilt’s interactions with the Nashville community and to apply a lot of what I’ve learned here at Owen outside of the classroom. I think the single event that influenced my time here at Owen the most was Cosmo Week last year. I think we’re really lucky to have as many international classmates as we do, and the opportunity to learn more about their homes and lives before Owen was really special.
What’s your favorite way to connect with the Vanderbilt community?
The Armed Forces Club hosts an occasional Thursday gathering before Closing Bell. That has been a great way to unwind, see classmates I don’t see very often, and engage with the next class. Kacie Ryan did a great job in putting on those events, and I hope that the next leadership team for the club keeps them up.
What’s something you’ve learned about yourself during your time at Vanderbilt?
I’ve been surprised to find how excited I am to enter a new career field. I wasn’t sure if I would find a job that would really excite me, but I am beyond thrilled to be going back to work with the team I interned with over the summer.
Looking back on your time at Vanderbilt, what is one of your favorite memories, activities, or rituals?
Owen Follies. I was blown away by the talent for both organization and comedy my classmates displayed last year, and I can’t wait for this year’s edition.
Looking forward, what are you most excited about this year?
My wife and I are expecting our first child this summer, so any school/work-related events pale in comparison to that. It’s beyond my ability to express how excited I am to be a dad.