By Arial Starks

Olivia Moore
Vanderbilt Business is known across the globe for its high caliber of students, faculty, and staff. In this edition of People of Vanderbilt, we spotlight Master of Marketing student Olivia Moore, who shares a little about herself.
What is your secret talent?
I was a collegiate pole vaulter in undergrad.
Who or what empowers you at Vanderbilt?
My classmates at Owen empower me to be a better version of myself every day. I am constantly surrounded by high-achieving yet considerate, empathetic, and helpful people that look out for each other. I know I have a community here that cares about how I perform academically and how I am doing personally.
What are 1 or 2 experiences that have really shaped your time here at Vanderbilt?
BrandWeek has been an integral part of my Owen experience so far. During BrandWeek, we were able to apply everything that we had learned in our Mod 1 classes to real-world situations. We worked in teams to solve marketing challenges faced by companies in Nashville and presented our efforts at the end of the week. It was a rewarding and fun way to spend our time, and the winning teams were presented with neat “swag” from the participating companies.
What’s your favorite way to connect with the Vanderbilt community?
One of my favorite ways of connecting with my classmates has been by hosting and attending gatherings outside of class. So far, we have really enjoyed having potlucks, competing in intramural flag football games, and attending Vanderbilt football games together. These activities have given us a chance to get to know our peers beyond academics and form friendships that will continue past graduation.
What’s something you’ve learned about yourself during your time at Vanderbilt?
Owen has reminded me how much I cherish new experiences. By enrolling in this program, I have been able to experience a new degree program in a new city, with new people. I have enjoyed broadening my interests beyond what I previously had, even if it is as simple as trying new restaurants in the Nashville area.
Looking back on your time at Vanderbilt, what is one of your favorite memories, activities, or rituals?
Closing Bell has been one of my favorite Owen rituals. Being able to close out a tough week with a school-wide happy hour is a great way to decompress, spend time with friends, and network with the many impressive people within Owen.
Are you in a leadership role in association with Owen? If so, name the organization and title.
I am a member of the Master of Marketing Ambassador Committee focused on admitted student outreach.