Photography by Donn Jones
Last October’s Reunion brought an end to the yearlong celebration of the Owen School’s 50th anniversary, with numerous festivities that included an alumni lunch at SATCO and class parties at Topgolf. But the culminating event was a huge anniversary gala at Nashville’s City Winery—and our cameras were there to capture it.
Gil Fuqua Jr., BA’73, MBM’75; Dru Anderson, BA’80, EMBA’89; and
Owen Dean M. Eric Johnson (right)
Kurt Volk, MBA’99; Ed Alston, MMgmt’71; and David Walker,
MBA’89 (right side of photo), show off their moves as
they’re cheered on by Heiki Miki, MBA’96; Owen Dean M. Eric Johnson; Ben Burkeen, MBA’20; and Bruce Brockenborough, EMBA’01.
Owen Dean M. Eric Johnson (right) visits with Fred Lazenby, BA’54, and Virginia “Gigi” Banks Lazenby, BA’67, MBA’73, founder and CEO of Bretagne LLC.
Owen Dean M. Eric Johnson (right) presents the 2019 Owen Distinguished Alumnus Award to Paul A. Jacobson, MBA’97, chief financial officer for Delta Air Lines.
Left to right: Lee Ann James, Bruce Brockenborough, Robin Bennett, Alex Nicholson, Kelly Gerhart, Richard Harris and Randy Holland—all members of
the EMBA Class of 2001—reunite and celebrate.
Former Air Force officer and telecommunications
consultant Ed Alston,
MMgmt’71—accompanied at the party by his wife, Sheila—was the Owen School’s very first graduate.
Left to right: Smoke Wallin, MBA’93; Brad Williams, MBA’94, JD’94; Dave Kloeppel, BS’91, MBA’96; Don Townswick, MBA’92; A.J. Kazimi, MBA’84; Heiki Miki, MBA’96; Virginia “Gigi” Banks Lazenby, BA’67, MBA’73; and Paul Jacobson, MBA’97 raise a final glass to Owen’s 50th anniversary.
Left to right: Emily Baker Tobin, BA’87, MBA’92; Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Susan R. Wente; Paul Jacobson, MBA’97; and Margaret Vaughan Cox, BA’88, MBA’92
Margaret Vaughan Cox, BA’88, MBA’92; Ravyn Miller, MBA’09, MDiv’09; Emily Baker Tobin, BA’87, MBA’92 and others take to the stage.