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Discover Vanderbilt’s Unique Executive MBA Tracks: Executive Edge and Global Immersion

Jun 28, 2024
Explore the Vanderbilt Executive MBA program's two distinct tracks: Executive Edge and Global Immersion

By Eigen Escario

Pictured: Headshot of Joe Wagstaffe Associate Director of Recruiting and Admissions, Vanderbilt Executive MBA

Joe Wagstaffe

The Vanderbilt Executive MBA (EMBA) is a 2-year graduate program for working professionals looking to strengthen their executive skill sets and unlock paths to upward growth in their careers. The program features 2 tracks that cater to students’ personal and professional goals: the Executive Edge track and the Global Immersion track. Joe Wagstaffe, Associate Director of Recruiting and Admissions for Vanderbilt Executive MBA, discusses the unique opportunities each track offers, as well as key factors to consider when deciding between the 2.

When students begin the EMBA program in the fall, they all start off on the same schedule, consisting of on-campus classes every other Saturday. Towards the end of their first year, it is standard for students to declare their intended track in late March or early April. Then, the split between the EMBA class starts the following summer as the Global Immersion track starts finalizing their cohort and ironing out details for the second year.

The Executive Edge Track

The Executive Edge track is designed for students who want a consistent and localized learning schedule, remaining in Nashville for the duration of the EMBA program.

“If you like being in person and consistent with your schedule, then you should opt for the Executive Edge track,” Wagstaffe said. “Students stick with the same schedule for both their first and second year, with classes on campus every other Saturday.”

This track is centered around fostering leadership, strategic skills, and financial acumen – aimed to prepare students who want to launch new businesses or integrate growth strategies for existing ones. In the second year of the EMBA program, students will remain in their cross-functional C-Teams from their first year and engage in high-level leadership work.

The Global Immersion TrackPictured: Vanderbilt Executive MBA Global Immersion track students from the class of 2023

On the other hand, the Global Immersion track offers a more international experience as students participate in different residencies all over the world.

“The Global Track students will go on 4 week-long residencies that we have with partner schools,” Wagstaffe said. “We have partner schools in Vancouver, Mexico City, and São Paulo – instead of coming to class on campus, students will travel to these countries roughly every 2 months starting in August, ending with a residency right here in Nashville.”

This track is designed to immerse students in a traveling classroom setting that delves into the culture, business practices, consumer perceptions, and behaviors of 4 nations and economies that students will be visiting for their residencies. There is also an international capstone strategy project, which is a unique opportunity for the cohort to work with a multinational company to address unique business challenges in the Americas.

Comparing Executive MBA Tracks

While the idea of domestic vs. international study might seem like 2 drastically different experiences, they share similar structures despite their geographic distinction.

“From a curriculum standpoint, students will still have a lot of the same deliverables,” Wagstaffe said. “You still have a team atmosphere and similar content on both tracks, but the Global Track is instructed by different professors from different universities, so there’s a cultural nuance to it.”

In terms of missing out on the experiences of the track-not-chosen, Wagstaffe says that they are both unique and enriching in their own ways.

“Across different time zones and cultural lines, each of these tracks are impactful in their own ways,” Wagstaffe said. “It is really important to know that students are not missing out on one thing or the other by choosing either track, regardless of making the decision about what’s right for them.”

On the topic of F.O.M.O., Wagstaffe shares that there are safeguards in place to make sure that students on either track get the best of both worlds regardless of their track declaration.

“For students on the Global Immersion track, they can audit classes they find useful or interesting back on campus during the time between their residencies,” Wagstaffe said. “As for the Executive Edge students, they have an international residency at the end of the second year to get that international flavor as well.”

Which Executive MBA Track Should You Choose?Pictured: Executive MBA (EMBA) Vanderbilt Business Students

Students pursue the EMBA program with different motivations and goals, and there isn’t a predetermined formula for the type of person to choose either track.

“We have so many industries represented, and students want to do these tracks for a variety of reasons, so there isn’t one type of person that seems to lean toward a particular path,” Wagstaffe said. “For those who know they want to work in international business or who need more international exposure, there might be a natural pull toward the Global Immersion track.”

Throughout the first year of the program, Wagstaffe highlights the multitude of support and resources from Owen that guide students through their decision-making process.

“There are a couple of times during the first year when professors will meet with everyone and describe what each program is all about,” Wagstaffe said. “Then, there are intentional meetings where students can ask questions and get guidance to find the right fit for them. Around the end of March, we survey students about which way they are leaning because there is a maximum of students we can take in our Global Immersion track, usually between 12 and 15.”

Ultimately, students have to thoroughly evaluate their intentions and expectations before and during the program in order to make the right choice on the individual level.

“During the application process, students have to indicate which track they’re interested in, but they’re not beholden to that since we just want a rough headcount for each program,” Wagstaffe said. “It’s crucial to know beforehand why you’re pursuing this program and what you hope to get out of it—if you understand yourself and why you need this degree, it will help inform you on which of the tracks will be the right fit for you.”

To learn more about the Vanderbilt Executive MBA program, student experience, outcomes, and career paths, click here.

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