
Earn a World-Class MBA on a Schedule That Works for You.

Our Executive Edge track is an MBA path designed for working professionals who want to focus on developing the leadership and strategic skills as well as the financial acumen that will drive their career advancement and the performance of their organizations.

Meeting on alternating Saturdays, the program enables you to obtain a world-class degree while maintaining your career momentum.

During the first year of the program, all Executive MBA students share a core curriculum that equips you with a strong foundation on which to build higher level skills that give you an executive edge.

In the second year, you’ll go beyond business theory to immerse yourself in the kinds of high-level work that business leaders take on. Working with the same cross-functional C-Team that was part of your experience in the first year, you’ll gain the skills required to launch a new business, and develop integrated growth strategies for existing ones.


You’ll complete much of your work during both years of the program as part of a cross-functional C-Team of peers that mimics the complementary functions of an actual corporate C-Suite—and helps prepare you to be part of one.

Creating & Launching the Venture

During the second year of the program, you and your C-Team will devise and write a business plan for a startup or an expansion into a new area for an existing business. You’ll start with a blank sheet of paper, write the plan, and then present it to venture capital firms for financing. This course – another distinctive feature of the Vanderbilt program – is a purposeful way to gain an executive edge.


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Capstone Strategy Project

One of the most distinctive experiences of year two of the Executive Edge Track is a Capstone Strategy Project, a total immersive experience in which you and your C-Team apply and integrate all of the tools and concepts you’ve learned to date. Working directly with the executive team of a business client facing real challenges, you and your team will analyze the situation as part of a project with well-defined parameters and make recommendations to the organization’s executive leadership about strategies for moving forward.

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Through a weeklong residency during your second year, you’ll gain new insights into the differences and complexities of managing business across borders.

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See what it's like to be a student
in the Executive Edge Track.


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