Accelerator Class Profile

Class Profile Academic Background  
Class Size49Average Undergraduate GPA3.7
Recent Graduates12%
Rising Seniors12%
Rising Juniors45%
Rising Sophomores31%

Undergraduate Institutions  
Arizona State UniversityHamilton CollegeUniversity of Richmond
Boston UniversityNorthwestern UniversityUniversity of Southern California
Columbia UniversityRhodes CollegeUniversity of Virginia
Davidson CollegeSewanee: The University of the SouthUniversity of Washington Bothell
Furman UniversityUniversity of FloridaVanderbilt University
Georgetown University

List of Undergraduate Majors   
EconomicsMedicine, Health, and Society
Aerospace EngineeringFinanceMusic
Applied MathematicsHuman & Organizational DevelopmentMusic Theory and Composition
Business AdministrationInternational Global Studies, German & German StudiesPsychology
Civil EngineeringJournalismScience, Technology, and International Affairs
Computer ScienceMathematicsTheatre

By the numbers


The number of undergraduate institutions represented in the summer 2024 program.

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A Day in the Life of
an Accelerator Student

Learn what it’s like to be a student in Accelerator® Summer Business Immersion

Meet Laura