


The structure of Vanderbilt's Undergraduate Business Minor is depicted in the following diagram. The recommended order of courses is as follows: Prerequisites, Fundamentals, Electives. However, students may take Elective courses before finishing the Fundamentals, if they are able to enroll. Students should ensure that they have taken the prerequisites for each specific course before attempting to enroll.

Undergraduate Business Minor course requirements image

  • Pathways are not required; rather, students are encouraged to pursue a pathway when it supports their academic interests. Students may choose all 9.0 of their Elective hours from the Business Pathways curriculum; it is not required that students take a course within Business in Society.
  • Only one business-related minor may be declared. Students electing the BUS minor may not also fulfill minors in Human and Organizational Development (HOD) or Engineering Management (ENGM).
  • The BUS minor carries a 2.0 minimum GPA requirement.
  • Pass/fail credit may not be used to satisfy BUS minor required fundamentals or elective courses.
  • Prerequisites may be taken pass/fail, although students should confirm that doing so doesn’t conflict with other academic requirements.
  • Students may take two fundamentals and/or elective modules per mod period (half semester).
  • Students must follow the rules and regulations of their home school regarding unique hours.


Five Fundamentals (7.5 hours) required by the Undergraduate Business Minor. Fundamentals courses are half-semester courses taught by Owen Graduate School of Management faculty. The courses are designed to give a broad perspective and introduction to basic business language and techniques.

The Business Pathways courses may count up to nine hours as electives toward the Undergraduate Business Minor. No more than one BUSA 3841 directed study may be counted toward fulfillment of the BUS electives requirement. Picking a pathway is not required and will not show up on your transcript. Instead, students are encouraged to pursue a pathway when it supports their academic interests.

Students may count toward the electives requirements of the Undergraduate Business Minor a maximum of 3.0 hours from the Business in Society courses. Students must complete the electives requirements with a minimum of 6.0 hours from the Business Pathways courses. If desired, these courses may come from different pathways.

More details below.


How to Declare the Business Minor

The Undergraduate Business Minor is trans-institutional, spanning all 4 undergraduate colleges. Students can declare the minor at any time; that includes even first-year students in A&S.

To declare a minor in Business, complete the online Undergraduate Major/Minor Declaration/Change form.

Degree Audits

For students subject to their college’s minimum hours for minors rule, confirm that your degree audit is not using courses for your major or another minor to satisfy your BUS minor requirements.

Courses being used for BUS electives can be found in the
“Business Pathways” and “Business in Society” elective folders, not in the GPA section of the degree audit as this section shows ALL courses eligible to count toward the minor.

Meet the Team

Lisa Wright
Lisa Wright
Program Manager, Hoogland Undergraduate Business Program
(615) 322-4021
Gary Kimball
Gary Kimball
Professor of the Practice of Management
(615) 480-9900
Kelly Goldsmith
Kelly Goldsmith
E. Bronson Ingram Chair, Professor of Marketing


Program Information

Q. May I declare more than one business-related minor?

Only one business-related minor is allowed. Students electing the Undergraduate Business Minor may not also fulfill minors in Human and Organizational Development (HOD), or Engineering Management (ENGM).

Q. What makes the Undergraduate Business Minor unique?

The Undergraduate Business Minor allows students to pursue a program that is “Uniquely Vanderbilt.” This trans-institutional program, with elective course options from each of the 4 undergraduate schools and Fundamentals courses taught by the Owen Graduate School of Management, is designed to complement the strong liberal arts education.

Q. If I have a question for my unique set of circumstances that is not addressed on this site, who should I contact?

Your school’s Associate Dean or use our Contact page.

Q. Is there a minimum GPA required for completion of the Undergraduate Business Minor?

Yes. Students must achieve an overall GPA of 2.0 in courses counted toward the Undergraduate Business Minor.

Q. I am a transfer student. Will courses I have completed at another institution be eligible to count toward the Undergraduate Business Minor?

Credit may be awarded at the discretion of the Director of the Undergraduate Business Minor. Transfer students should follow the standard course review process and direct any questions about a specific course to the Director.

Q. How do I contact the office of the Undergraduate Business Minor?

Email undergraduatebusinessminor@vanderbilt.edu or call (615) 322-4021.


Each Vanderbilt Undergraduate Business Minor student has a unique story–just like you. Discover their stories.