Specializations are focused course tracks for students desiring an in-depth study of the functional area for their chosen career. Specializations require 20 credit hours of course work beyond the core. The 20-credit-hour requirement represents the 12 credit hours earned in the related concentration plus an additional eight hours. The following specializations are offered: Brand Management, Corporate Finance, Human and Organizational Performance (HOP) and Investment Management.

Brand Management

In order to best prepare our students for brand management career paths, the Vanderbilt business faculty have created a comprehensive brand management career specialization curriculum.


To prepare students for career paths in corporate finance, the Vanderbilt business faculty have created a comprehensive corporate finance career specialization.

Human and Organizational Performance

To prepare students for careers in HR management or HR consulting, the Vanderbilt business faculty have created a comprehensive human and Oorganizational performance career specialization curriculum.


To prepare students for career paths in investment management, the Vanderbilt business faculty have created a comprehensive investment management career specialization that consists of a sequence of 10 finance courses.

Degree requirements and course information are subject to change; not all courses are offered every year. The most recent Course Catalog contains academic policies, degree requirements, and individual course descriptions for each of our degree programs.

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