MBA Outgoing Exchange

Spend a Semester Abroad

Vanderbilt Owen Graduate School of Management has established formal exchange programs with the business schools of some top universities across the globe. Typically, Vanderbilt students go on exchange during the fall or spring semester of the second year of their program. Tuition is paid to Vanderbilt for the semester in which a student is on exchange. There is a limit on the number of students we may send to each partner school. This varies from year-to-year depending on the exchange balance with each partner. Students are selected on a first-come, first-served basis. If the program becomes oversubscribed, the Student Achievements Committee will select students.

To participate in an exchange program, students must:

  • be in good standing with the university (all fees paid, no honor code or student conduct violations) and
  • have a minimum 3.0 GPA at the time of exchange program application.

General information:

  • Application deadlines are typically April for fall and October for spring (see individual Fact Sheets below for specifics).
  • Students typically take a full course load at the host university.
  • Students on exchange generally incur the following costs: airfare, accommodations, meals, in-country transportation, books, health insurance, and other miscellaneous expenses.

Please view the individual school’s Fact Sheet and website. For additional information about any of these opportunities, please contact


Outgoing Exchange Programs