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In a Wrap: Vanderbilt Business Academic Year 2023-2024

May 31, 2024
Top stories from the past year at Vanderbilt Business feature new faculty appointments, innovative research, strong employment outcomes, and more

By Lacie Blankenship

From welcoming Dean Steenburgh to continuing a legacy at the SEC MBA Case Competition to myth-busting research, the 2023-2024 academic year offered a constant stream of news at Vanderbilt Business. Here are some of the biggest stories from the past year. 

Pictured: Dean Steenburgh at the Vanderbilt Business Commencement 2024

Dean Steenburgh at the 2024 Vanderbilt Business Commencement

Embracing Dean Steenburgh 

Vanderbilt Business welcomed Tom Steenburgh as Ralph Owen Dean and Professor of Marketing in the summer of 2023. Dean Steenburgh is driven by a curious nature and a keen interest in nurturing growth


Welcoming new faculty

Vanderbilt Business welcomed 3 new full-time faculty members in the fall of 2023. 

Wendy Liu

Wendy Liu, Associate Professor of the Practice of Finance and Faculty Director for the MS Finance Program, was drawn to Vanderbilt Business by the collaborative culture and commitment to student success. Get to know Professor Liu

Jen Riley 

Jen Riley, Senior Lecturer of Marketing, is fueled by passion. She was recently recognized with the 2023 Innovations in Teaching Award from the Society of Marketing Advances (SMA). Learn more about Professor Riley. 

Eric VanEpps

Eric VanEpps, Associate Professor of Marketing, helps people make better choices by research judgment and decision-making. He contributed a piece to the Harvard Business Review, How to Self-Promote—Without Sounding Self-Centered, in November 2023. Read more about Professor VanEpps.  


Pictured: Under a gold and black balloon arch, the panelists pose with Kimberly Pace, the panel moderator. From left to right: Feiner, Hutcheson, Lee, Pace.

From left to right, Allie Feiner, Jennifer Hutcheson, Candice Storey Lee, and Kimberly Pace pose in Management Hall at the Executive Women in Leadership event

Vanderbilt Business empowered women’s leadership with community events

In August of 2023, Vanderbilt Business hosted the inaugural Women’s Leadership Summit, uniting Nashville business leaders and industry experts, some of whom were alumnae, with current students. In February of 2024, Vanderbilt’s Executive Programs hosted prominent local executive women for an Executive Women in Leadership panel event.  


Vanderbilt Business Class of 2023 Produced Strong Outcomes

The Vanderbilt MBA Class of 2023 reported school records for the highest average starting base salary and the largest percentage of students to receive full-time employment offers by graduation. The Vanderbilt MS Finance Class of 2023 reported an average base salary of $86,284, and 90% of the Vanderbilt Master of Marketing Class of 2023 reported receiving an offer within 6 months of graduation.


Tim Vogus discussed ways to help neurodivergent professionals thrive

Professor Tim Vogus spoke at a Coaches Summit for Management Leadership for Tomorrow (MLT) about some of the complexities neurodivergent professionals face and ways business leaders can help knock down barriers for these employees.


John Graves (left) and Ranga Ramanujam (right) of Vanderbilt Business speak at the NEC.

From left to right, John Graves and Ranga Ramanujam speak at the NEC kickoff for the Vanderbilt Startups Practicum and 2024 Project Healthcare

NEC Launches Vanderbilt Startups Practicum and 2024 Project Healthcare

In early January, the Nashville Entrepreneur Center (NEC) hosted an evening dedicated to healthcare innovations with the launch of the Vanderbilt Startups Practicum and a first look at the 2024 Project Healthcare cohort.


2024 SEC MBA Case Competition Champions

A team of 4 Vanderbilt Business students —Andrew Winter (MBA’25), Monica Traniello (MBA’25), Robert Rickard (MBA’25), and Zach Terry (MBA’25)—secured first place at the 2024 SEC MBA Case Competition. This is the second year in a row that a team from Vanderbilt Business took home the trophy. 


Jessica A. Kennedy published myth-busting research 

Professor Kennedy published new research that debunks the popular gender pay gap myth that “women don’t ask,” revealing that women attempt salary negotiations as much or more often than men do, but are more likely to be rejected.   


Kicking off Greater Nashville Venture Capital Association 

Vanderbilt Business hosted the Greater Nashville Venture Capital Association’s (GNVCA) inaugural event at Management Hall. The GNVCA is uniting forces for Middle Tennessee startups.  


Leadership appointments: Kelly Goldsmith and Ranga Ramanujam

Professor Goldsmith was named the Faculty Director of the Ingram Scholars Program after a committee-led search, and Professor Ramanujam was appointed Faculty Director of Health Care Programs.  


Pictured: A group of new Vanderbilt Business alum stand together for a photo in their cap and gown.Vanderbilt Business hosted the inaugural Owen Community Service Day

While philanthropy has always been a key value of Vanderbilt Business, 100% Owen hosted the first Owen Community Service Day in March, uniting the community in service for 7 local organizations.   


Michael Lapré says the FIFA World Cup could be better

Professor Lapré studied years of data on both the Men’s World Cup and the Women’s World Cup, finding that FIFA could amp up the competition for both tournaments


Vanderbilt Business announced big-name partners for the 2024 Accelerator® Summer Business Immersion 

The Nashville Predators, HCA Healthcare, and Red Bull will all be working with the Accelerator students in the summer of 2024.  


Commencement 2024

Vanderbilt Business celebrated Commencement on May 10, 2024; Maria Renz (MBA’96) delivered the keynote address at the ceremony. Read more about students and faculty who celebrated Commencement and special awards.


Concluding remarks: honoring James (Jim) Bradford, Dean Emeritus

As we reflect on the top stories from the past year, we find it important for our community to acknowledge the loss of Dean Bradford. It’s a somber note to end our annual recap on, but his legacy of impact on Vanderbilt Business cannot be overstated. Dean Bradford spearheaded the development and launch of several programs. Most notably, he is remembered for leading our community with persistent generosity.

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