
Don’t just learn to manage. Learn to lead.

Vanderbilt’s Leadership Development Program (LDP) gives you ample practice as both an individual leader and a team member.

What It Is

Embedded in the Vanderbilt Master of Management in Health Care (MMHC) experience, our desire is to help you better lead people and organizations in the complex and ever changing health care environment. Assess your personal leadership style, identify your strengths and challenges, and gain new insights through executive coaching. Take what you learn and apply them to better manage and motivate teams, influence stakeholders, and execute change so that you can accelerate advancement in your career and lead more effectively in your organization. We offer you access to the best-in class diagnostic tools and personalized support for you to learn, practice, modify and grow your leadership skills.

How It Works

The MMHC Leadership Development Program is designed to wrap around your full-time job role, your teamwork in the MMHC program, and your MMHC Capstone Project experience by focusing on three stages of leadership development.

Master of Management in Health Care Students benefit from the Hogan Assessment and executive coaching.


Access leadership resources used by Fortune 500 CEOs. Start by assessing your personal leadership style. You will engage with the Hogan Leadership Assessment to help you uncover your strengths, improvement areas, and more importantly how you might be perceived by others. What you do as a leader happens in context. Understanding contexts and navigating through—or even shaping—those contexts is critical to you successfully leading your teams and organization.

You will be paired with an executive coach who will help you interpret your assessment data to best understand and leverage your strengths as well as manage your potential “derailers” – areas for improvement – that can undermine your success as a manager and leader. Together, you and your executive coach will create your personalized leadership action plan that will help you achieve your leadership and career goals in multiple contexts.


Put your personalized leadership action plan to work immediately in the Capstone Project and on the job.

During the program, you will have opportunities to try new strategies and approaches on the job and in class. Use these opportunities to practice. The time with your executive coach allows you to reflect and gain insight as you continue expanding and improving your leadership capabilities.

The Capstone Project Team will be a great opportunity to learn how you contribute to team productivity and team success. Your project team will have focused resources that help you and your team optimize its interactions and operations.


Reflect to cement and continue your growth as a leader.

By the end of the Master of Management in Health Care program, you will have gained new leadership insights and skills. Wrap up the program  by reflecting on your leadership learning. Share your observations and insight with those who can support you in your continued journey to effectively influence and motivate others. Our hope is that your LDP experience will instill a discipline for self-reflection and habits of development which enable you to broaden your influence and increase the scope of your responsibilities within your organization.

What to Expect

Meet with your individual executive coach five times starting in the fall semester and into the beginning of the spring semester. Leverage assessment data as well as your personal, on-the-job experiences as sources of lessons that can be applied and guide you as you move forward in the program and in your career.

You and your Capstone Project Team will meet with the team coaches twice during the project. Define your team’s vision for project success, establish agreements to be the most effective and engaged collegial team, and take time to reflect to be more effective as your team works toward completing their project.


Master of Management in Health Care Leadership Development

Q. What is the Hogan Assessment?

Hogan is a personality-based assessment used by more than half of Fortune 500 companies to hire and develop individual leaders like you. Hogan was developed to improve workplace performance and is used among companies globally to do so. By taking Hogan, you will get three reports that give you insight into your natural leadership style, how you approach stress, and your values and motivations.

Q. Is the leadership development program part of the curriculum?

No, LDP is not part of any curriculum at Vanderbilt’s Owen Graduate School of Management. By design, LDP supplements your academic work to help you develop as a more capable, well-rounded business professional. Just like in business, when your company offers you access to resources dedicated to high-potential leaders, your level of initiative, openness to new challenges, and drive for success is demonstrated by how you leverage those resources.

Q. Who are the executive coaches?

Our executive coaches in the Owen Coaching Network are a carefully vetted, high-performing set of independent coaches whose full-time job is to coach executives, leaders, and future industry leaders. Their primary clients are corporate leaders, and they take on as many Owen student coaching clients as their schedules will allow in a given year. Our coaches are qualified and certified by the International Coaching Federation, and the coaches who work with MMHC students are a specific sub-set of the larger network. Our MMHC coaches all have extensive experience working as a healthcare professional, working with healthcare professionals, and/or coaching experienced healthcare industry professionals.

To be the best, I thought I needed to learn from the best.

Aaron Richards Master of Management in Health Care, 2023