at a glance

The Vanderbilt Master of Management in Health Care is a 30-credit-hour graduate degree in management designed specifically to help rising managers in healthcare organizations gain fundamental business skills and apply them immediately on the job. Over a one-year period, you will participate in core business courses one night a week, attend intensive healthcare industry-specific courses one weekend per month and work in teams on a Capstone Strategy Project throughout the program, while honing leadership skills along the way. Students may attend some Thursday evening classes online if needed, with weekend classes in person. The unique schedule assures the highest quality educational experience without disrupting the day-to-day operations of sponsoring organizations. You must successfully complete 30 credit hours of coursework to graduate with a Vanderbilt Master of Management in Health Care degree.

Download the Current Course Catalog


*Each mod is 8 weeks in length. Management Core classes meet one night per week. Healthcare industry classes meet one weekend per month.

**Students attending remotely must adhere to the same class schedule as in-person students.

***Graduation celebration immediately follows successful completion of the programs; dates for Vanderbilt commencement exercises are established by the university and may lag.

****Schedule is subject to change.


The Vanderbilt Master of Management in Health Care program gives you a foundation in management fundamentals, a deep-dive into business specifics in healthcare delivery, an integrated and applied curriculum, and a collaborative classroom. In addition, you can take part in a robust Leadership Development Program, offering an executive coach and leadership tools used by Fortune 500 companies.

The program offers students the flexibility to attend some Thursday evening classes online if needed, with weekend classes in person.




12 credits / 1 night per week

The Management Core includes six graduate-level management courses that provide the solid business foundation upon which the healthcare industry specific courses build. These modules are taught by the same professors who teach in the world-class Vanderbilt MBA programs and offer both theoretical and practical knowledge across comprehensive business disciplines.


12 credits / 1 weekend per month

In tandem with the general management courses, six intensive Healthcare Industry courses challenge you to apply the core management disciplines so that you are equipped to manage profitable, innovative healthcare programs and services. Senior leaders and managers from provider organizations partner with Owen faculty to provide the pragmatic insight required for these courses.


6 credits / Concurrent with one-year program

The Capstone Strategy Project and Leadership Development Program are immersion components that tie the curriculum together, enabling you to apply new knowledge to a real healthcare business problem while honing your leadership abilities.

The Capstone Strategy Project engages you and your team on a project of significant importance to a sponsoring organization (often your own). With faculty oversight, your team will be responsible for diagnosing a critical problem and producing a suitable recommendation in both written and presentation form.

The Leadership Development Program offers you individual assessment and planning prior to the team project, application of new leadership techniques and reflection and evaluation as the project commences.


It takes many managers, healthcare practitioners, and other executives to care for a patient and to manage a health care organization. Having the skills to manage a team, evaluate critical problems and execute solutions is required to be an effective business leader. These management capabilities are what you will gain through immediate application of your new business knowledge in the Capstone Strategy Project.

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Faculty Profiles

Richard Willis
Richard H. Willis
Associate Provost for Research and Innovation
Steven Posavac
Steven S. Posavac
E. Bronson Ingram Chair, Professor of Marketing
615 322-0456

Your Team

Burch Wood
Burch S. Wood
Director of Health Care Programs
See the Full team


Program Information

Q. Can students apply the Vanderbilt Master of Management in Health Care credit hours to the MBA or Executive MBA degree?

No. The curriculum has been designed specifically for this program and for those employed in health care delivery.

Q. Does the Master of Management in Health Care program offer CME credit?

No. This is a degree program; as such, Continuing Medical Education credit is not awarded.

Q. Does the schedule allow for breaks and holidays?


Q. How much time will students need to devote to the program?

Classes will be held 3 hours on Thursday nights and roughly 14 hours over one weekend (Friday and Saturday) per month. In addition, students should expect to spend an additional 10 hours per week outside of class on self study and work related to the Capstone Project.

Q. What is the class size for the Master of Management in Health Care program?

The Master of Management in Health Care program admits between 30 to 35 students per year.

Admissions Information

Q. If I'm sponsored, do I still need to meet admission requirements?

Yes. All applicants – sponsored or unsponsored – will be reviewed by an admissions committee and considered individually.

Q. Who should attend this program?

This program is designed for working clinicians, physicians, and nurse managers who are in or will be moving into management roles within a private or public health care delivery organization. It is also suited for non-clinicians who are tasked with managing clinical employees. 

Candidates should have at least five years of relevant work experience and a demonstrated track record within their organizations to fully benefit from this program.

With few exceptions, we expect these individuals to be sponsored by their current employers.

Q. Why does the program require five years of work experience and a demonstrated track record?

The program is designed for working professionals who seek to advance their careers within their sponsoring organizations. Admission standards are designed to ensure a student's success during and after the program. Having demonstrated promotion, progression or supervisory responsibility reflects a student's likelihood of influence and upward mobility within their organization as well as their ability to contribute to classroom interaction and project teams.