
Business fundamentals. Health care specifics.

30 credit hours / six eight-week modules

The unique schedule of the Vanderbilt Master of Management in Health Care program assures the highest quality educational experience without disrupting your job responsibilities or the day-to-day operations of sponsoring healthcare organizations. Over a one-year period, you will participate in core business courses one night a week, attend intensive healthcare industry-specific courses one weekend per month and work in teams on a healthcare Capstone Strategy Project throughout the program.

Vanderbilt’s Master of Management in Health Care 30-credit hour curriculum includes:

  • 12 credit hours in Management Core Courses
  • 12 credit hours in Healthcare Industry Courses
  • 4 credit hour Capstone Strategy Project
  • 2 credit hour Excel Fundamentals


Management Core Courses

12 credits / 1 night per week

The Management Core includes six graduate-level management courses that provide the solid business foundation upon which the healthcare industry-specific courses build. These modules are taught by the same professors who teach in the world-class Vanderbilt MBA programs. Owen’s faculty members offer both theoretical and practical knowledge across comprehensive business disciplines.

Course TitleCredit Hours
Managerial Economics2
Healthcare Strategy2
Financial and Managerial Accounting2
Managerial Finance2
Operations Management2
Leading Teams and Organization2


Healthcare Industry Courses

12 credits / 1 weekend per month

In tandem with the Management Core, six intensive Healthcare Industry Courses ensure a solid healthcare platform for application. You will be challenged to apply the core management disciplines so that you are equipped to manage profitable, innovative healthcare programs and services. Senior leaders and managers from provider organizations partner with Owen faculty to provide the pragmatic insight required for these courses.

Course TitleCredit Hours
Economics of Healthcare Delivery2
Healthcare Marketing2
Healthcare Accounting2
Healthcare Finance2
Configuring and Optimizing Healthcare Operations2
Strategies for High Performance Organizations2

Being able to hear a physician's point of view, versus a nurse's point of view, versus someone who's sitting in a corporate office was invaluable to me.

Kate Sangervasi Master of Management in Healthcare, 2023

Capstone Strategy Project

4 credits / Concurrent with one-year program

The Capstone Strategy Project is an immersion component that ties the curriculum together, enabling you to apply your new knowledge to a real health care business problem while honing your leadership ability within a team.

You will work on a project of significant importance to a sponsoring organization (most often yours). With faculty oversight, you must demonstrate rigorous application of business concepts and disciplines. Your team is responsible for diagnosing the critical problem, defining an appropriate scope of work, managing institutional expectations and producing a suitable recommendation in both written and presentation form.

What drew me to the program was its commitment to having a diverse cohort and providing a comprehensive understanding of the healthcare industry and systems.

Emilia Adams Master of Management in Healthcare, 2024

Leadership Development Program

(Non-credit) Concurrent with one-year program

The Leadership Development Program frames the Capstone Strategy Project, offering individual assessment and planning prior to the team project, application of new leadership techniques throughout the project and reflection and evaluation as the project commences. With access to best-of-class diagnostic tools, used by executives in Fortune 500 companies, and personalized executive coaching, you will develop the skills to manage more effectively in health care organizations.

It’s not every day that we are all in the same room, functioning together and actually moving toward the idea of making healthcare better.

Laveil Allen, MD Master of Management in Healthcare, 2023