MMHC ROI for Organizations

You benefit. Your employees benefit. That’s called a “win-win.”

Perhaps no industry today is evolving more quickly than healthcare. While opportunities for growth and improved patient care abound, competitive and regulatory realities, rapidly emerging technologies, financial imperatives and human resource management present numerous challenges. And while physicians, nursing managers and hospital administrators have clinical and subject-area expertise, they often lack the business acumen required to manage people, projects or processes. The Vanderbilt Master of Management in Health Care (MMHC) is designed to provide these healthcare practitioners with the business knowledge, insights, skills and connections to bridge the management gap. This unique program offers management and industry-specific courses as well as leadership development – a high quality educational experience that will not disrupt the day-to-day operations of your organization.

Learn more about the benefit of the MMHC program for organizations.

Supporting Organizations

  • Hospitals and academic medical centers
  • Clinics and health centers
    Payers and managed care organizations
  • Large physician practices
  • Other healthcare service providers


  • Physicians
  • Nursing managers
  • Pharmacists
  • Service line leaders
  • Practice leaders
  • Medical department directors
  • Administrative and other professionals
  • Other clinicians seeking career advancement


Equip your star employees with the tools to succeed in your organization. And reap immediate ROI.

At Vanderbilt, you will find business-relevant solutions for your health care professionals. By investing your high-performing employees, you will:

Gain Bench Strength

Students will gain a deep understanding of the business of healthcare, which they can apply immediately on the job. Your employees will emerge with new perspectives that enhance their individual and collective performance over the long term.

Master of Management in Healthcare students work in a team setting.

Develop Leaders

Through the Leadership Development Program, your employees will be given the opportunity to work with an executive coach, receive insight and instruction on leadership techniques and have access to best-of-class diagnostic tools used by Fortune 500 companies.

Advance Organizational Initiatives

Throughout the program, students work in teams on a Capstone Strategy Project where they apply business concepts to a real problem, initiative or opportunity that your organization faces. With support from Vanderbilt faculty, the team will be able to determine solutions that rival those of highly paid consultants. Read Huntsville Hospital’s Capstone Strategy Project Case Study.

Our managers are interested in advancing their careers, and it’s a way for use to retain some of our top people. Investing in them will pay off not only in the skills they learn in the program but it will keep them with us.

Jeff Samz
Chief Operating Officer, Huntsville Hospital