You will have the opportunity to connect with top recruiters and alumni for the types of jobs, industries or geographic locations you seek. The Career Management Center will empower you to make the most of those connections with coaching preparation and other resources to help you “ace” your interviews. Our students experience exceptional outcomes. Check out our recent employment and internship numbers.

Ultimate Guide

Complete the form to receive the Ultimate Guide to MBA Careers, as well as additional information about the Vanderbilt MBA.

Complete the form to receive the Ultimate Guide to MBA Careers, as well as additional information about the Vanderbilt MBA.



Once you graduate, you will continue to have access to our Alumni Career Management resources. If there are unexpected disruptions in your industry or employment transitions—or if you simply want to seek out new opportunities for professional growth—you can rely on the Alumni Career Management Team for career resources, job search strategies, and job opportunities.

By the numbers


The number of companies with which we have a recruiting relationship for our MBA students.

See more facts>


  • Coaching to help clarify career interests, skills, and values
  • Help with devising a career strategy and job search plan
  • Resume and cover letter reviews
  • Preparation and practice for interviews
  • Workshops on job search skills and networking
  • Help in connecting with companies and jobs that are of interest
  • Serving as a sounding board when making decisions on offers and options
  • Industry-specific Career treks for those interested in Consulting, Finance, or Tech
  • Recruiter information sessions and on-campus recruiting events
  • Off-campus recruiting events in key markets
  • Facilitating peer coaching with a second-year student
  • Online job recruiting sites—job listings, registrations for information sessions, and events
  • Guidelines and support for international students seeking internships and post-graduate jobs in the United States

What Our Alumni Say

The CMC team is the best! Before the school-year started I had a meeting with my Career Coach to talk through my resume. She helped me frame my nonprofit experience in a way that would be relevant for Operations and Consulting roles and internships.

Ben Varhula
MBA 2022
Consultant, Boston Consulting Group (BCG)

Being an international student, job searching in the USA can be quite a challenge. The CMC was amazing in helping me prepare, and their seminars and one-on-one sessions made a huge difference. They help you through the whole process, from understanding what you want to do, to helping you write a wonderful resume, to doing mock interviews.

Manuel Pascual-Vaca López
MBA 2022
Pathways Operations Manager, Amazon

I knew I wanted to go into consulting with McKinsey, and I wanted to work in the energy and sustainability space. No one at the Career Management Center told me I was out of my mind. In fact, they built me up so much, my impostor syndrome completely went away. I’m very thankful to look back and say that all my goals in coming here were accomplished.

Libby Crowe
MBA 2023
Associate, McKinsey & Company

Attend a Small Group Session with the CMC

Our Small Group Sessions offer a more personal way to learn about the Vanderbilt MBA program. Join a virtual session hosted by the Career Management Center (CMC) to learn more about career support and to ask questions about coaching and the recruiting process.

See Upcoming Events >